Creative License: Find Your Voice. Free Your Genius.
What if the very thing that makes your work compelling is
the one thing you've overlooked?
What would be possible in your business if you went from feeling fractured and unsure to clear as a bell on your brand message?
What would it feel like
to finally unlock the door to your secret ambition?
What’s that “if only” ambition that’s just out or reach, still on the “someday-maybe” wish list — or a bit too scary to explore?
Ever worry that you’re not “different”
or interesting enough to stand out
against the competition?
Business owners have a way of becoming nose blind to what makes them special and different—and miss the opportunity to truly stand out. I’ve seen it again…and again.
Have you ever worried that...
…everything you want to do has already been done? don’t have anything interesting or different to say?’re not sure how to talk about your business – or yourself?'re focused on the wrong things?
This kind of thinking can crush our confidence—and undermine our efforts.
You don’t need a “rebrand.”
You need a reveal.
The problem is that most business owners don’t come close enough to who they really are—and settle for average, standard-issue messaging as a result.
When you can tap your true brand and creative genius, you become clear and aligned in how you share you will:
Let go of the idea of "fancier, sexier" gold spray-paint-style branding and instead, dig deeper to uncover the true gold that's already there.
Feel inspired to share what you do without feeling weird about it.
Have a bigger impact in your work, content, and message.
Attract and engage the people who most value what you have to offer.
The good news is you already have all you need to do this.
Maybe you’ve been really itching to…
...Do more speaking ...
...Shift the focus of your business...
...Create a new
course or offering...
...Change the way
you work...
...Exploring a specific niche...
...Start a podcast,
blog, or book...
And yet, you feel blocked because you can’t settle on where to focus or what to say.
You're not sure what to emphasize, highlight, or point to when it comes to sharing your work. And you’re afraid of doing or saying the “wrong” thing.
As a result, you feel…
Like you’ve been standing still for so long, and are itching to gain momentum.
You have so many ideas, but no idea where to start. So you just keep doing what you always have.
You worry that time is running out and you have nothing to show for it, that everyone’s ahead of you.
You dread the question “What are you up to?” because you thought you’d be further along by now.
The reason you haven’t gotten closer to these wishes and dreams is simpler than you think:
You’ve believed what others have told you - and what you’ve told yourself:
The world has told you:
It's all been done before.
There's one way to do business and branding.
You're behind on the tech and tactics.
Only big companies can do real branding
And you’ve told yourself:
There’s nothing that special about me
Other people do what I do, probably better
I'm not the first, or the best, so why bother
My competitors sound more convincing
It’s so easy to just keep doing what you’re doing. But that’s also a great way to stay stuck.
When you tell yourself it’s OK to default to the lowest common denominator in your work (“Oh me? I’m just a …(fill in the blank), you get in the way of bigger impact and success.
Does it require a little risk and a lot of creativity? Yes. And you have the ability to handle both. But if you decide it’s “too hard,” you’ll be right where you are 5, 10 years from now.
You don’t need to be a professional marketer or copywriter to make yourself irresistible to your audience.
You’ve been told that in order to be successful today, you need to master tech, tools, and tactics.
But that’s not where great marketing begins. And all those things are useless if you don’t do the most critical work first which starts with YOU.
Without doing a really deep exploration of and expression of the who/what/why of your brand and business, all those tactics fall right on their face.
Good news: You don’t have to be a marketing expert to have a viable, appealing, and authentic brand.
Now, stop reading.
I know you didn’t expect this, but I’m going to ask you do something right now.
Take out a pen. For real. Grab a napkin. An envelope. Open your Notes app. Set a timer for 2 minutes. And write out—yes, literally—your answers to these questions. Don’t think! Just write. Fast.
You may not know exactly what is behind the door, but you can know:
If nothing changes, how will your life look a year from now? Don’t think, just write. Capture whatever images come to mind.
If you can nail the most compelling part of your brand, what might be possible for your business a year from now? What could you do that you’re not yet doing?
What if you could really move the needle on your business and brand in a bigger way?
And by that I mean…Go bigger. Go bolder. Get reinvigorated and engaged in your work in a new way? Expanded your vision of what’s possible? Grow your reach and influence? Have the impact you’ve always wanted to have. Unlock your creative genius.
How would you feel if you could...
Find Your
Unique Voice
Clarify your values, and vision, connect with your unique voice, and learn to make it powerful.
Tap into Deeper Energy
Connect with a deeper part of yourself and release tons of energy you didn’t even know you had.
Act with Confidence
Create the momentum that comes from being fully present and moving forward with time on your side.
Find Your Flow
Learn to create an environment of ease so you can truly enjoy the acts of discovering and making.
Trust in Your Value
Experience confidence through trusting yourself to learn - even though you don’t know everything.
Share Your Genius
Let go of beliefs that have kept you stuck and learn the creativity strategies that work best for you.
**The fall 2024 live cohort is closed**
Be sure to get on the waitlist to be alerted for the next one! Contact us at
In Creative License for Business Owners, I will teach you how to:
Gain powerful clarity in what you’re trying to say with your brand and business
Break through blocks to access your creative genius
Expand your perspective beyond what you thought was possible
Find your own voice and build confidence in sharing your work in a bigger way
Connect the dots between your expertise, ideas, and offering
Identify and articulate your brand, mission, and message
Use goals and values to develop your vision and discover what's next in your business
Go from awkward and apologetic...
to confident and clear.
Join me for Creative License for Business Owners—and step into the power of a clearer, bolder brand and business
Why Creative License?
To take “creative license” means to ignore the conventions or rules that normally govern a given art form.
Your best, most fulfilling, and fruitful work won’t happen by copying what someone else does or following someone else’s exact formula.
By taking creative license, you set aside what everyone else is doing, and make the decisions that best highlight your skills, talent, and personal brand.
The goal is to take agency in your work and ideas so that you can finally allow your business and brand to take shape through your marketing content, collateral, and content — in whatever format you decide on (and you don’t have to know yet!).
Hi! I’m Terri.
When I went into business for myself more than a decade ago, I did not have a foggy clue what I was doing. I didn’t have a business plan or a brand mission. Not even a business card.
I was less concerned with my “brand” and more concerned about my “rent.” And a gig was a gig.
Then I started to see where I really shined: Helping other people shine on stage, on screen, on their websites.
As a brand consultant in a New York City, which is TEEMING with brand consultants, you better believe I worried I wasn’t as good as, as legit as, as worthy as other consultants. This, of course, is a useless comparison. And untrue.
I went through ALL the stages of self-doubt that any business owner goes through: insecurity, confusion, frustration, fear. All of it! And in my own brand work realized that titles mean nothing and experience is everything — and I do things in a way that no one else does. Same goes for you.
Here’s what I believe: We’re never done evolving as people…so why would our businesses be any different? Why would we expect to be happy or content doing the same thing we always did, in the same way we always have?
This is why our efforts at branding feel so limited and “hard” — because we’re trying to commodify something that resists it, rather than reveal our own fascinating complexity — the very things that make us so interesting, and which we tend to overlook in ourselves.
Brand work isn’t about a “rebrand”; this assumes that there was something wrong with what you had to begin with. It’s not “wrong”—it may just be incomplete.
The goal isn’t to change who you are or what you do into something “sexier.” It’s to reveal the actual, authentic, original you.
For the past decade I’ve helped people, and organizations, find and articulate their unique, meaningful message - helping them to connect with the people who need and want what they have.
The people I work with all have at least one thing in common: They want to do more, to reach more people, to make their brands, their work, and their lives matter.
They would often assume there was only one right way to do that—a podcast. A blog. An online course. A book. A cool logo or website. Or, that any ONE of these things would “do” that.
They might have even tried at one point and said it “didn’t work.”
None of these things “work” on their own. The problem was that they didn’t ask the critical questions that lay the foundation for their best, most powerful work.
It was as if they were throwing seeds all over the place and wondering why they didn’t have fruit yet—without ever considering the soil itself, and what those assets were planted in.
Creative License is precisely that: A plan for cultivating rich, fertile soil where your most ambitious projects can not only take root, but also bear fruit.
I’ve essentially taken all of the work I’ve developed with private clients and workshops over the past 10 years, and distilled it all into ONE program that will work for you regardless of your background - no matter what kind of project you ultimately want to create.
The Creative License process draws on a range of disciplines, from creative writing to brand consulting, publishing to public speaking, and informed by the Gateless Method, which I’ve been certified in and practiced for a decade, and which creates a supportive, judgment-free container for our work.
The investment in this program pays for itself over and over again because it continues to feed and inform all your ideas, efforts, and projects.
If you skip this step, you’ll be forever copy-pasting what you see out there, hopping on trends, and trying to force-fit your genius into “proven,” pre-fab formulas instead of discovering and innovating what is uniquely yours. I cannot wait to do this with you.
What’s on the back of your napkin?
Every book, product, project, or business began with someone writing something down — on a Post-it, in a journal, or on the back of an electric bill.
It didn’t start with the final, finished thing, but the whisper of an idea, the initial sketch, the first bloom of inspiration.
You don’t have to know precisely the what and how of what you’ll make in order to start the creative process.
It's time for your big reveal!
Discover what you already have —
which your audience already wants.
What does the Creative License program look like?
In this 8-week program, you’ll be given a framework, guidelines, and process that I’ve honed over many consulting hours and workshops to access your creative genius and ideas.
There are two parts:
- 8 modules of pre-recorded content that walks you through the entire process in real time (and which you retain access to)
- A live, 8-week cohort which will meet virtually and live over the course of that time for personalized feedback from me
You will:
Find your unique brand voice and feel confident speaking it
Capture stories, themes, and ideas—and connect the dots in your work
Lay the groundwork for your next project, product, book, offering, side hustle
Identify the best approaches and platforms based on your preferences and style
Start a powerful writing practice to help you generate brand content — and quiet your critic
Tap your inner artist and keep the creativity flowing
Create a story matrix to fuel your creative and marketing efforts
Walk away with a personal playbook to fuel and feed your next project
Here’s what you get:
30 video lessons with in-session, real-time exercises, plus audio and downloadable transcripts
A month’s worth of audio writing prompts you can do over and over
Seven 1-hour live, interactive calls (with recorded replays)
**Live cohort meets TUESDAYS @ 12pET**
30-page personal workbook
The 25 Questions to Your Next Big Idea Guide
Access to an online, self-paced learning portal
Get Your Personal Playbook
At the end of this course, you will have your own Personal Playbook—which contains all of the stories, themes, insights, messaging, and tools that you’ll draw on to inform your: website, profile and bio, platform options, messaging, content — and that secret ambition you’ve been dreaming of forever.
More importantly, it will contain the personalized principles, rules, and guidelines you discovered that ensure you can succeed while staying aligned with your own values, goals, personality, and style.
In short, it’s the recipe for unlocking your personal genius.
Your playbook not only contains the code to crack your creative genius; it contains the DNA of your ideas, stories, and identity, which you can replicate for all the projects you pursue, starting with the one you choose now. This is the fertile soil for EVERY future dream and project. It also
This is, effectively, your Creative License.
This is the proof and permission you’ve wanted to pursue your secret ambition. And it’s not issued by some external governing party; it’s created and maintained by you.
What people are saying
"Terri, you have created a turning point for me. I have loved the honesty and feel so grateful for the fresh inspiration, which I believe will help me for a long time to come."
Tara Carrington, M.S., OTR/L
Expert Level Somatic Therapist, Mentor, Consultant, Educator
“I loved Creative License and how the prompts got me to open up and pull out thoughts and feelings I hadn't really addressed before regarding what was holding me back. Even if only my current projects continue as they are, 2024 will be my best year ever.”
Jon Stoltzfus
Writer and Marketing Professional
Join me now to crack the code on your brand voice and message.
Don’t let another year go by. Learn how to create the foundation for accomplishing the bigger, more creative, more impactful work - that matters to you!
Here’s just some of the things you’ll learn and do in Creative License.
- Discover a practice for busting through blocks
- Write your way to genius
- Use limits to your advantage
- Rewrite your rules and find ease in the creative process
- Find your voice
- Trust your gut and hone your instinct
- Reconnect with confidence
- Learn to speak up
- Identify your values
- Reexamine goals
- Align values with ambition
- Create the conditions for your work
- Unpack your skills
- Communicate what you do in a fresh way
- Filter your genius
- Identify your ideal platform and format
- Discover your unique POV
- Draft an “about you” page
- Tell your untold story
- Create your story matrix
- Connect the dots in your work
- Identify your transformation and impact
- Position your idea
- Connect with your audience
- Start a public conversation
- Capture your brand, mission, and message
- Create your plan
- Tap your inner artist
- Finalize your playbook
What will happen when you take the next big step in your business?
The most critical step of any business or project is not sticking the landing. It’s deciding to take that first step — across the threshold, through the door, where your secret ambition is waiting to be discovered and revealed.
That means you don’t have to know what will happen as a result of these efforts. In fact, you can’t possibly know!
The only thing you know right now is that you cannot, and will not, put that first step off a moment longer.
When you finally decide to take that step, don’t be surprised when the road seems to rise to meet you: Strange coincidences pop up. Synchronicities appear. Things begin to click.
But you can’t steer what isn’t moving. So let’s begin.
It's time for your big reveal!
Discover what you already have — and which your audience already wants.
Things to stop saying to yourself — starting now
Here are just SOME of the reasons I’m willing to bet you’ve said to yourself every time you put off your own ambition and goals:
I’m not “allowed.” You figure the people who succeed were given special access or permission, which you don’t have, and so that route is barred to you.
Newsflash: There is no single governing body that decided you can’t do things. What you assume about what’s possible is incorrect. That’s the good news! Most people started right where you are.
It would be silly, selfish, or self-indulgent. Ah, that’s the critic, doing its job and pumping the brakes while making you feel bad. Typical.
Pursuing a secret ambition is not adolescent or immature or only for younger people. It’s reminiscent of youth — because that may be the last time you felt that way.
It would be irresponsible. The idea of spending any time outside of your many responsibilities to family and work would be unthinkable, even reckless.
Don’t confuse responsible with compliant. Irresponsible means “careless in considering consequences” — have you thought about what you and your life will be like if you continue to squelch your dream goals?
There’s no time. Any free moment you have is booked weeks in advance like a table at a trendy restaurant.
There will never be “more” time. There’s only the time you make for what matters. You know this because you’ve made time for all the things you do in all the roles you have.
It’s just not the right time. You think you first have to: make more money, pay off the car, finish this renovation, wait til vacation, wait til after vacation, get the kids off to college, clean this closet…
Life doesn’t come to a convenient pause so that you can pursue other things. Life will keep moving forward, and so can you.
I’m waiting til I’m ready. You think something else has to happen first, or you have to feel a certain way (more confident, more motivated) before you begin.
You don’t need any of those things to begin. In fact, it’s risky to practice waiting, because you may get so good at it, that’s all you’ll ever do.
I wouldn’t know where to begin. You think that you can’t start if you can’t see the finish line, and that you need all the knowledge and tactics first. You’ve got it backwards.
You don’t know have to know. The beauty of the creative process is that it’s all about discovery, which by definition means you don’t know everything at the jump. The decision to begin, to take that first step, is all that you need.
If you’re fine with how things are going…
….then why are you still reading this?
Let’s be real. This is a long-ass letter.
And if you’ve come this far, there’s really only one good reason not to move forward:
You’re totally 100% cool with how everything is right now. And you never want anything to change. Ever.
The questions screaming in your head in all caps right now…
False. You already have all the raw materials, both what’s hard-wired, earned, and learned over the course of your rich and interesting life.
The problem: Those talents, skills, and ideas are buried under a sediment of tedium, assumptions and limiting ideas — and held in place by outside pressures and expectations.
As a result, your genius can get squeezed out—and sealed shut.
You think: It’s too late. I’m too old. It’s been done. I don’t have the talent, the background, the skill, the confidence, or the time to catch up or do something worthwhile. I couldn’t keep up.
There are a million other reasons we talk ourselves out of doing things that might fulfill us. But none of them are quite as fulfilling as deciding to bring your secret ambition to life.
It’s easy to talk ourselves out of things. That’s why most people do it.
Sometimes you feel a desire to pursue an ambition without knowing what form or format it will ultimately take. That’s ok!
The fact that you’re (still) here tells me that the fear of not pursuing that dream goal is starting to outpace your fear of doing it.
The only thing you need right now is access to what you already have inside you.
If you’ve ever experienced a disappointment, hit a block, or received a cutting bit of criticism, you know how that can cause you to come to a grinding halt.
What if the “it” wasn’t the issue? What if you went into the process this time with a whole other set of tools and insights so that you could explore that, or other, projects.
Maybe the book you felt blocked on would find new life as a podcast. Maybe the podcast you can’t get going would be better as a series of live events.
Far too many people waste time and resources by committing to a “thing” before they know it’s a fit. And I’ve found that when I was hot on a trend and the trend cooled, so did I. Because it wasn’t actually connected to me in any real way.
I don’t want you to waste any effort—or any more time. So let’s do the most important work first.
Join me now to open the door to your brighter future.
Don’t let another year go by. Learn how to create the foundation for accomplishing the bigger, more creative, more impactful work - that matters to you!
Here’s why Creative License works better than anything you’ve tried before.
It doesn’t start with the “answers” - it begins with a process for accessing your creativity quickly and easily.
It teaches you how to write your way to genius using the power of personal narrative and self-authoring.
You connect the dots between values, goals, skills, and the right platforms and projects for you.
Learn how to capture and articulate your personal brand in a way that feels authentic and relatable.
You unpack your existing skill set, and start connecting the dots between what comes easy and what creates the most value for you and others.
Create your own Personal Playbook, which features all of your stories, ideas, insights, themes, brand philosophy, and messaging to move your work forward. It is the recipe for unlocking your personal genius on every future project.
"I think so hard but so freely through the guidance and prompts. I'm still surprised by what I discover has been holding me back. Amazing, insight-building work!"
Jess Beachkofsky, M.D.
"You pull no punches, you've taught me to find my courage."
Dana Anzalone
Author, Elephants Don't Eat Spaghetti
"Thank you for another reminder that we can be whoever we want."
Karen Kartika
Founder, SparkVesta
It’s time to find your voice and free your genius.
Join us for Creative License today!
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About Terri
Terri Trespicio helps people who want to work with meaning and live with purpose to stop searching for their passion and start making things happen. Her courses, workshops and retreats help you unlock your creative genius to fuel your stand out ideas. Terri’s TEDx talk, “Stop Searching for Your Passion,” has been viewed more than eight million times, and she’s the author of Unfollow Your Passion: How to Create a Life that Matters to You. An award-winning writer and keynote speaker, she’s also former magazine editor at Martha Stewart, and her writing has been featured in Marie Claire, Jezebel, Business Insider, Oprah magazine, and others. She earned her MFA in creative writing from Emerson College, and won first place for creative nonfiction in the Baltimore Review’s 2016 literary contest. She lives in Manhattan.