What is the “if only...” belief that’s keeping you stuck?
If only...
...she had more confidence, Mary would start her new career.
...she had more talent, Alaina could write a book.
...they had these things, then they’d be more motivated.
They’ve got it backwards — and it’s costing them.
Does that sound like you?
What are you telling yourself you need MORE of?

If only
I had more…
If only
I were…
If only
I felt more…
If only I _________________.
Pause here and write down the first thing that comes to your mind.

The myth of “more” is a trap.

It attempts to paint procrastination as progress — and keeps you right where you are.
The problem is that you’ve been busy trying to…
Do everything. Faster.
Follow the rules.
Be more productive and disciplined.
Read another self-help book first.
Get in shape.
Avoid risks.
And never, ever make a mistake.
…And you’ve been telling yourself “if only” you do all of that first, then you can go after what you really want.
This is not how you’ll get anywhere—let alone where you dream of going.
What if I could prove to you that you don’t need more of anything?

What if you dropped your “if only” beliefs and started asking some new questions?
Why can’t you?
Why can’t you start now - as you are, with what you’ve got?
Who says?
Who says you’re not good or capable enough?
What if?
What if you didn’t have to be super talented, motivated—or any different than you are right now?
Where did these “rules” about what you have to have “first” come from?
Why not drop them if they’re holding you back from your dreams?
What if instead of worrying about following someone else’s rules, you decided to write your own?

What if you didn’t even have to know precisely where you’re headed to start moving?

What if your life weren’t dependent on the “if onlys” at all, and that in fact they were the things holding you back?
You might automatically think you “can’t” consider or imagine, let alone do, something different with your life because of where you are right now.
What if it was easy?
What if the ideas you have about what you can or should do were the problem?
What if it wasn’t a question of your ability or talent at all, but of what you've been believing all along?
You don’t need more. You don’t need permission. What you need is a breakthrough.

An online self-discovery program designed to create instant insights—and a radical shift.
The goal is simple: To help you reclaim a sense of power, agency, and control.
And you can’t do it while you’re complying with rules that keep all of that power in check.
In Breakthrough, I walk you through a process for…

Seeing with Clarity
Instantly see what's been holding you back.

Reigniting Creativity
Get curious and explore new possibilities.

Letting Go of Baggage
Stop carrying things you no longer need.

Rewriting the Rules
Author new rules that serve you better now.
Here’s what Kristina had to say about my approach:

“Working with Terri has been the most conscious, creative, clarifying, and confidence boosting experience I’ve had.”
Kristina Eisenhower
Creative Empowerment Coach & Author,
The Art of Positive Disruption
And here’s what educator and author Lisa Kramer said:

“Terri helped me realize that I do have things to say, stories to tell, messages to share—and that I just needed help getting out of my own way.”
Lisa Kramer
Educator, Activist, & Author,
Co-founder of Spark Collaborative
You’re long overdue for a breakthrough.
Set yourself up for sudden clarity and serious change with this simple, self-paced online self-authoring experience.
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Hi! I’m Terri.
This approach worked for me
(I just learned it the hard way)!

For a (very) long time, I told myself I “couldn’t” do any of the things I dreamed of. I thought I’d have to be a better writer to publish a book. That I’d have to work at NASA to get a TEDx talk. That I “should” be doing something else. And that everyone else knew more or better than me.
In my 40s, I experienced a breakthrough of my own: I got laid off and very quickly had to change my own rules and ideas—about who I was and what I could do. I started making up new rules, and going for things I didn’t think I could get. And I got them.

That’s when I decided I could lead, and embrace, the life I wanted, regardless of what anyone thought or said—and without even being totally sure about what I would do next.
I realized I could set the rules and demand the conditions I needed to be at my best.
That’s when I became truly free. And there’s no reason you can’t feel that way, too.
Why do you need a breakthrough?
You were taught that if you work hard for a long time, you’ll get your reward. What about when working harder and faster isn’t yielding you the life you wanted?
You’ve believed all along you need to know the answers.
What if you just haven’t asked the right questions?
During this program, you will...

…Get reconnected to what really drives you and brings you to life

…Rewrite rules to create space for what you’re really capable of

…Create your own personal rider to reclaim your time

…Make space and find energy for what you want next
Because new things don’t “happen” in old ways.
You need to create space and the conditions to discover them, let alone experience them.
I’ve used this process with hundreds of people over the years. They've reported going from feeling stuck and unsure to feeling creative, confident, and in control in ways they hadn’t felt in a long time–or, ever.
Here’s what Patricia had to say about my approach:

I am growing in leaps and bounds and it is thrilling! The writing prompts in this course are a mirror for your mind. You discover why you are operating the way you do in all parts of your life.
Patricia C.
Here’s what Michael had to say about my approach:

I’m so happy with the breakthroughs I’m having as a result of this course! This course got me to dig deep. I didn’t know until now how beautiful I am inside and how much I have to share.
Michael G.
In this 6-part course you’ll:

Examine how the rules are helping (or hindering) your growth.
Gain clarity into who holds sway over your behavior and ideas.
Discover the powerful role of curiosity and why you may resist it.
Get a completely new perspective on your own hero’s journey.
Learn how people and situations fuel or dampen your growth.
Draw on the lessons of your past without being burdened by them.
Identify what to keep, acquire or toss out to move forward.
Identify what you actually value - vs what you think you ‘should’.
Identify the friction that slows you down, and what to do about it.
Create a “Personal Rider” - your ‘must haves’ and ‘never agains’.
Breakthrough Course Overview
Here’s what you get when you enroll today:

Examine the Rules
Take stock of the rules that you’ve been following (and struggling with) your whole life. Begin to recast the rules and rewrite them in a way that aligns with your intentions and values.
Let Your Curiosity Lead
Learn how to tap that urge to know more—and take your first brave steps into uncharted territory. Discover what fuels or dampens your own curiosity, risk-taking, and growth.
Check Your Baggage
Discover how to free yourself of the emotional weight of “baggage”. Get resourceful about what you can and must acquire next to move forward, and identify what you can let go.
Discover Your Values
Gain new insight into what is informing your choices and why you feel “off” or disconnected from what matters. Make a plan for integrating your values centrally in your life.
Put the Right Rules in Place
Discover how structure and the right rules can support, foster, and protect your creativity and replace criticism with celebration. Learn direct application of these rules to your life right now.
Write Your Personal Rider
Learn a process for articulating your needs and creating and defending the conditions you need starting now. Establish boundaries around what is and isn’t negotiable in your life going forward.
You’ll also discover the power of a “Personal Rider.”
What if you rewrote the rules for yourself — and actually followed them? What could change if you laid down the new law?
You’ve probably heard of rockstars who have riders with crazy requests - like no green M&Ms, or 16 cans of Lime LaCroix. But the concept behind the rider is actually really serious.
What do you need in order to show up as your best self?
After finishing Modules 1-5 of Breakthrough, you’ll be really clear on what you care about right now, and what rules you can toss, keep, or rewrite altogether.

In Module 6, you’ll write one of the most powerful tools you can create: a Personal Rider.
While a rockstar sends their rider to a performance venue, this is a contract you make with yourself.
This is not a list of resolutions or to-dos. Your personal rider ensures that you provide yourself with the boundaries and conditions you need to make your best work possible.
People who write one say their entire perspective shifts—and their confidence surges.
Validating and confirming.

“Validating and confirming. I was raised with the idea that being different was bad. I am sinking into truly loving each and every way I am different.”
Donna D.
I finally acknowledged my true feelings...

“I finally acknowledged my true feelings and what I've always wanted to do-—write books for children-—and it is deeply satisfying. Thank you so much!”
Jenny M.
The next version of you has been years in the making.
All it takes to bring it to life is a sudden spark. Here is your match.
Bust through self-doubt, reset your standards, and reclaim your power in this simple, self-paced online experience.
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You may think you need “more time” to decide to take this next step.
But isn’t more time the problem?

You’re at an inflection point. And you can either go back to how things are, or make this the moment you move forward.
It’s easy to talk yourself out of things–which is why so many people do it!
Breakthrough is easy, fun, and will change how you see and feel about your life and your options—while feeling energized, focused, and free.
I didn’t see all the rules that I had put in my own way.

“I didn’t see all the rules that I had put in my own way. I think so hard but so freely through the guidance and prompts. I’m still surprised by what I discover has been holding me back. Amazing, insight-building work!”
You’ve been thinking about this for a loooongggg time.

How many years have you spent thinking about starting this project, pursuing this goal…instead of doing anything about it?
More thinking isn’t going to help.
You can’t stay where you are AND have the life you want. Something’s gotta give.
You formed opinions and beliefs about yourself based on what you’ve been told and taught your whole life—by your parents, teachers, bosses, the culture at large.
But just because you believed them doesn’t mean they were right.
If you’re trying to get somewhere new, then by definition you can’t stay here.
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” – Einstein
You need a new way of seeing and thinking. You need Aha! moments.

Aha! Moments -
If you do the work and don’t experience a breakthrough in the first 30 days, we’ll happily refund your money.
We believe this works. In fact, we know it does. Try Breakthrough with confidence, knowing that there’s a 30-day, no questions asked, 100% money back guarantee. Just contact our support team.

What would you give to feel more energized, focused, and free?
What would you pay for a breakthrough?
The way you feel now didn’t happen overnight.
The cumulative effect of years, even decades, of old stories and limiting ideas can take its toll on your energy and momentum.
What would it be worth to you if you could experience a sudden insight—and shed all that emotional weight in the process? Could you even put a price on it?
For the cost of fewer than three (three!) decent dinners out, you could create a dramatic shift in how you see yourself and your potential.
I like dining out as much as the next person, but I couldn’t even tell you what my last three meals were. And they certainly didn’t change my life.
But investing in yourself could. I’d say your future is worth more than a few dinners, wouldn’t you?

You’re long overdue for a breakthrough. The time is now.
Find out what can happen when you stop complying — and start rewriting.
$397 $297
Pay only $29 now
for immediate 30-day access —
Pay the remainder in 30 days
All major credit cards accepted
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30-day 100% Money Back Guarantee
If you don’t have a breakthrough in 30 days, we’ll refund your $29.
Questions? Contact Support here.
How does the program work?
Once you register for Breakthrough you’ll receive a confirmation email (make sure to check your spam folder). In that email, you’ll receive links to the program portal and you can start the first module right away! And every week for the next six weeks you’ll get access to the subsequent modules.
How long will the program take to complete?
The program is designed as a six-week course, and each module is delivered for six consecutive weeks. But since it’s self-paced, you can absolutely take the time you want. There’s no rush!
How long will I have access to the program content?
It is our intention to give you ongoing access to the program content for as long as the program exists. Meaning: You don’t “lose” access after a certain amount of time.
Will I get to work with Terri live and get her feedback?
Breakthrough is a pre-recorded program and does not include a live workshop component. Terri will not be providing feedback to program participants. However, we are rolling out other programming that will allow you to interact with Terri in real time, and we’ll be sure to share all the information about that as it’s available!
What if I discover the program isn’t for me?
No problem. We have a 30-day money-back guarantee. If you give Breakthrough a try and decide the program is not a fit, we’ll happily issue you a refund, no questions asked.
Are there any prerequisites for this course? Anything I need to have done first?
Nope! There’s nothing you need to do and no special skill set, major, or experience. Come with an open mind and be prepared to make some interesting discoveries.