Wed, May 24th
5:00p – 6:30p ET
Grab your spot now!
Email remains the most powerful way to establish contact and rapport…If someone reads it.
Join power duo Julie Brown (This Sh!t Works podcast) and Terri Trespicio (Unfollow Your Passion) for this live, virtual, interactive workshop to learn how to write emails that get a response from acquaintances, contacts, and total strangers (and how to avoid going eternally unread).
For less than the price of a steak dinner, you’ll enjoy the very best in edu-tainment that’s relevant, useful—and completely unfiltered.
In this 90-min, live, dynamic, hands-on session, you’ll learn:

Julie and Terri will draw on their varied background—from speaking and storytelling to stand-up comedy and online marketing, even poetry—to change the way you think about, and approach, your next cold email.
Number of daily emails the average professional receives: 200.
Average time spent reading it: 2-9 seconds.
You can’t meet who you can’t reach.
Join us for

Wed, May 24th
5:00 – 6:30p ET

Julie Brown
Julie Brown, is a networking coach, speaker, author of This Shit Works; Networking Your Way to More Friends, More Adventures and Way More Success and host of the This Shit Works Podcast. Julie knows first hand that the people you meet will change your life, she also understands how intimidating it can be to create connections and build friendships as adults. Julie’s weekly newsletter emails have an unheard-of 70 percent open rate, and are read by both national and international business leaders.

Terri Trespicio
Terri Trespicio helps people who want to work with meaning and live with purpose to stop searching for their passion and start making things happen. Her courses, workshops and retreats help you unlock your creative genius to fuel your stand out ideas. Terri’sTEDx talk, “Stop Searching for Your Passion,” has been viewed nearly eight million times, and she’s the author of Unfollow Your Passion: How to Create a Life that Matters to You. An award-winning writer and keynote speaker, she’s a former magazine editor at Martha Stewart, and her writing has been featured in Marie Claire, Jezebel, Business Insider, Oprah magazine, and others. She earned her MFA in creative writing from Emerson College, and won first place for creative nonfiction in the Baltimore Review’s 2016 literary contest.