I’m in the last few days and hours of finishing up the first draft of my very first book.
Do I know what I’m doing? Kinda, not really.
It’s a little like climbing a tall ladder: You’re better off staying focused on the next step, rather than looking down.
I started dancing around the edges of the book years ago on a retreat where I learned an entirely new approach to writing that opened up the floodgates for me.
I became certified in the approach, called the Gateless Method, and have been leading workshops in groups big and small, online and off, for a few years now.
…And it’s not just for writers or books; it’s become a critical tool in my brand and consulting work, helping get to the heart of a message through authentic and compelling language.
I’ve not only found this process fruitful in my own work, I’ve seen it open other people up in ways that surprise them.
I’ve used it in corporate settings because the team building and bonding it creates is unmatched.
I would not have a book without it.
AND! I’m holding a one-day Pop Up writing workshop for anyone who would like to experience it first hand on SAT 3/6 from 10-4p ET.
OK. You’re thinking….
Yup. I’ve done it many times. Assuming that because it’s on Zoom it’ll be boring is like saying that because you’re wearing yoga pants you’re about to launch into a sun salutation. We know that ain’t true.
We’ll spread out, get comfy, and jump right onto the page so that you can work on or work out anything you want to—a blog, a few pages of your book, a talk you want to give, a business you want to explore, anything.
I’ll give you a prompt and a timed window to write, and then we’ll listen to participants read aloud. You don’t have to read, but you’ll have the chance to volunteer. Then, we’ll do it again.
Along the way, you’ll learn craft tools, and ways to keep your creative guns blazing, and experience what it is to create without fear of being criticized.
The difference? There is NO criticism or judgment of you or your work. We focus on what’s working. And in the world of creative anything, validation is rare indeed.
People from all walks, all backgrounds, come to the Pop Ups. Obviously, writers love it, but also…business consultants, bloggers, copywriters, coaches, speakers, teachers, students, gardeners, dancers, financial advisors, people who earned their PhD in physical chemistry (true story–did you know that was a thing?).
Discover how this approach, called the Gateless Method, can transform your relationship to the page, no matter what you want to work on or explore.
*Can’t come the whole day? That’s ok. While late entry is not permitted, you can peel off at any point in the day if you need to!
COME TO THE POP UP! SAT 3/6 from 10a – 4p ET*
More at territrespicio.com/popup