About Me
About Me
About Me
About Terri Trespicio
Terri Trespicio is an award-winning writer, speaker, brand advisor, and author of Unfollow Your Passion: How to Create a Life that Matters to You (Atria/Simon & Schuster, December 2021). Her TEDx talk, "Stop Searching for Your Passion," has surpassed 7 million views, and she was named by Hubspot as one of the "Top 18 female speakers who are killing it" (she came in at #2—Oprah was #8), and one of the world's leading creatives by Creative Boom magazine.
A former magazine editor and radio host at Martha Stewart, she has appeared on the Today Show, Dr. Oz, The Early Show, The Martha Stewart Show and The Anderson Cooper Show. Her work has been featured in Oprah Magazine, Marie Claire, Prevention, Business Insider, Forbes.com, and Inc.com. Certified in the Gateless method for capturing creative genius, she leads workshops and retreats all over the country to help professionals of all stripes take their stories and ideas from page to stage and beyond.

An in-demand speaker who presents at conferences across the country, she was rated the #1 speaker at Barron’s Top Independent Women Advisors Summit and How Design Live. On the heels of her first TEDx talk, she was invited to give a second, “It’s About Time We Rethink Happily Ever After.” Terri is also a stand-up comic and has performed at famous Manhattan venues including Caroline’s, Dangerfield’s, Gotham, and New York Comedy Club, and was a quarter finalist in the She Devil Comedy Competition.
Terri earned her BA in English from Boston College and a MFA in Creative Writing in 2002 from Emerson College, where her thesis, a collection of poetry, won the Graduate Dean Award. A finalist for the Iowa Award and Glimmer Train, her literary work has appeared in The Greensboro Review, New Millenium Writings, and The Baltimore Review, where she won first place in their 2016 creative nonfiction contest.
Her book, Unfollow Your Passion: How to Create a Life that Matters to You, will be published in December 2021 by Atria Books/Simon & Schuster.
My Story
My Story
My Story

It’s not just what you say, but how you say it. That’s what my mother always told me, usually when I was giving her attitude (which was often). I was a moody, sensitive, anxious kid, and one of the best things my mother ever taught me to do besides watch my tongue was to take a nap. I’m far better at doing the latter.
Like most people who grow up to be writers, I care about content. Always have. Even before “content” was a thing. I was an English major, an award-winning writer and poet in school, and went on to earn my M.F.A. in creative writing from Emerson College in Boston. My first professional writing job was as a copywriter at a wig company (the largest in North America). Don’t get me started on wefting and synthetic fiber.
When I was done coming up with sales headlines for classic bobs, I got a job as an associate editor at a magazine called Body+Soul, which was purchased by Martha Stewart six months after I arrived (and later became “Whole Living,” now defunct). I learned not only to write and develop content for magazines and sharpened my expertise in health and wellness, but I learned how to adapt content for a TV and radio, and hosted a daily radio show for years on Sirius XM. Then there was the explosion into digital, and I helped launch the magazine’s online blog, and develop video and digital content for the Whole Living brand—and that’s where I got a taste for branded content and knew it would be big, and something I could do.

Since 2011, I’ve run my own business, working as a creative consultant and, well, a kind of branding genie who helps experts, authors, entrepreneurs, and execs get their ideas out of the bottle and into the world.
Content isn’t just about words, and branding isn’t just about logos. If any of it is going to matter, it has to mean something to someone. I can’t decide what I like more: Coming up with the goods or presenting them—which is why I often find myself doing both.
Why do people hire me? Because I think of things they never thought of, and seize on their own genius ideas, which they passed over as just another ordinary thing. It’s not. But it takes someone from the outside to see that.
Most days you can find me here in my Manhattan studio that’s large enough to fit a queen bed, and small enough to feel I’m roughing it (I’m not). And I’m known to spend my downtime rewatching the Golden Girls, because I cannot get enough of it. Other times, you’ll find me performing standup around New York City, which I love doing.
Get your ideas out of your head
Get your ideas out of your head
Get your ideas out of your head
Download my free guide & audiobook, “5 Ways to Unlock Your Creative Genius,” and start getting your ideas onto the page with freedom, ease, and fun.
Stoke your creative flame—and set the world on fire.