All speaking is public speaking

Just as we’re all writers, we’re all speakers.

You don’t have to make your living traveling the world doing keynotes.

EVERY time you stand up in front of a room with other people in it, or speak up, even if you remain sitting. You’re public speaking. Period the end.

It’s not something just professional speakers do. It’s not something just top executives do (and all top execs certainly don’t). And it’s not something you do “only” when you’re selling something.

If you think it’s important to be on this platform, then you already know visibility is critical to connection. Speaking is the ultimate in visibility. It really is.

Whether you’re in the flesh, or in pixels—when you speak where people can hear you, it matters.

Maybe you don’t ever want to do it, and can easily avoid it. Good for you.

The rest of us? If we’re going to make our voices heard, as well as make space for other voices, we are going to have to use our voices.

I’m not going to try to talk you into it. But I am inviting you to come talk about it–tomorrow, if you’re around (Mon 3/14 @ 6p ET)

I’m going to answer some of your questions and speak to some of the biggest misconceptions about speaking–and the biggest mistake even pros make.

It’s free to join. Just hop on my list via my website —, and you’ll get an email with an invitation to join me.