Talking about what you do is different from DOING it

What’s the biggest reason you struggle with explaining to someone what you do? 

One I hear over and over is that people get tongue-tied, or lack clarity–they know what they do, but talking about it? That’s a whole other story. 

This Thursday, 6/24 I’m running a full-day workshop that addresses precisely this issue: how to answer the question WHAT DO YOU DO.

And it doesn’t start at the networking event or the moment you step on stage to introduce yourself; it starts long before. 

It starts now. Because as the world opens up, so will parties, events, and stages—filled with people who’d like to learn a little more about you. And I’d like you to feel ready. 

The talent and skill it requires to DO what you do is a very different skill from explaining it. The talking about it part is a muscle you strengthen apart from actually doing the work.

If you feel unclear or unsure how to communicate it or hate how you currently do it? That’s ok. Lacking clarity is normal, especially when your own work evolves. 

But it’s one thing to not know what to wear; it’s another to not know if you own clothing. 

I think of the process I use to help people identify and articulate their messaging as a process of UNPACKING all that stuff and really looking at it. Not just trying to crowbar it into a tag line. 

If this sounds like precisely what you need (and who doesn’t?), join me this Thurs 6/24 for the What Do You Do Workshop from 10-5p ET.