Your talk shouldn’t take forever

How long have you been “working on your talk?”

My guess: Too long.

If there’s no deadline, you can work on it forever. And it will take about that long.

We don’t give talks because they’re “ready.” We give talks because it’s time.

And because nothing can put you on people’s radar like being right in front of them in real time, whether in the flesh or virtually.

Signature talks don’t have to be canned. They can evolve with you, your work, your career, your business.

I personally prefer the farm-to-table approach, which is harvested fast and cooked quickly. And that’s precisely what I teach and train individuals and teams to do.

Recently, I invited people who want to do more speaking to join me for the Speaker Intensive, in which I taught this approach–and gave them the opportunity to present their new talk to a live audience.

And that showcase is THIS THURS May 12 @ 6p ET.


A MONTH ago, these speakers had no idea what their talks would be about. And this week, they’re delivering them.

Imagine what you could do in just ten minutes. Come see these powerful speakers try out newly harvested material–it’s fresh, dynamic, and worth hearing, and span a range of topics from the perks of creative collaboration to the collective experience of loneliness, to why “I don’t know” may be the most empowering words you can say.

​Check out the program & REGISTER to join us May 12 @ 6p ET right here: