Want People to Read Your Website? Write It Like A Love Letter
I recently had the privilege of working with one of the top financial advisors in the country. She wanted to rebrand her firm, and with good reason: It didn’t reflect who she really is, and what she and her team really stand for. Common problem. And who could blame her? She’s a little too busy…
5 Branding Rules That Won't Steer You Wrong
There are lots of people out there with lots of opinions about what a brand is and should be. Ask a handful of them what the answer to better branding is, and you’ll hear basically the same advice: “Stand out!” That’s like a swimming instructor telling you to stay afloat; it doesn’t help you if…
How Knowing Too Much Is Holding You Back
My family is big into board games. At around 8:30pm on any given holiday or a night when at least two people are holding beers, my brother in law rubs his hands together and asks, “Who’s up for a game?” Taboo is one of our all-time favorites. The goal of this game is to get…
The Real Definition of Entrepreneur
Let’s face it: There’s nothing sexier than describing yourself an an entrepreneur. It’s like a hot leather jacket that everyone is trying on for size, including me. If it’s not a fit, maybe you like this simpler style, called solopreneur. Or maybe this tiny little handbag, called micropreneur instead. Or, this briefcase-slash-diaper bag called “mompreneur.”…
Why You Need to Embrace the Haters
Not too long ago, haters were the domain of the rich and famous — or at least, anyone with a sizable platform. In fact, it was basically a celebrity tax: you want attention, get ready for vitriol. But now it very much is our problem. Because now we all want attention, and, thanks to the…
3 Signs Your Brand Is Having an Identity Crisis
Your struggle with branding yourself or your business comes from two conflicting fears: You don’t know who you are; You don’t want to ruin what you already did/created/have This places you at the crossroads between ignorance and fear. A lousy place to be (and we’ve all been there). As a result, you are hesitant to put a…
Make Uncertainty Your Friend: Meet Farnoosh Torabi, Award-winning Financial Strategist
When Farnoosh Torabi got laid off from her job as a journalist at, it was in many ways the day her real career began. Instead of going the safe route and finding another job, Farnoosh ran with her big idea—and it changed the course of her career. Today, Farnoosh is an award winning financial…
Passion is Not a Business Plan: Why Mission Trumps It, Every Time
You’re passionate about what you do. But is anyone else? I mean really—are they? Everyone loves to talk about how pivotal passion is: find your passion, live your passion. But the fact is, passion itself is not a business plan, nor an imperative for anyone else. Your job is to make me care about a thing,…
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