Want People to Read Your Website? Write It Like A Love Letter
I recently had the privilege of working with one of the top financial advisors in the country. She wanted to rebrand her firm, and with good reason: It didn’t reflect who she really is, and what she and her team really stand for. Common problem. And who could blame her? She’s a little too busy…
FYI, we're now in outer space
At a business conference in Orlando a few years ago, we were given after-hours access to Epcot’s mission:Space ride. I squeezed into a space vessel the size of a bathroom stall alongside three women whom I’d just invited to connect on LinkedIn. Inside was a 3-D monitor, a control panel of blinking lights, and a set of…
Why You Should Stop Trying to Inspire People
I work with people of all backgrounds and businesses who have something to say and are dying to say it. They want to do media and launch podcasts, give talks and write books. They want to “put themselves out there.” If there were two words that literally every person says to me, it’s that they…
How to Prepare Your Talk Without Starting from Scratch
You have a big talk coming up. So you say to yourself, I’m going to sit down right now and write it. You type one sentence: “Good afternoon.” You delete it. You wonder if you’re a fraud. You wonder why you’re doing this. You wonder what to have for dinner. Then: Oh would you look…
Why You Need to Embrace the Haters
Not too long ago, haters were the domain of the rich and famous — or at least, anyone with a sizable platform. In fact, it was basically a celebrity tax: you want attention, get ready for vitriol. But now it very much is our problem. Because now we all want attention, and, thanks to the…
Is This Where You Thought You’d Be? Take the 10-Year Test
Picture this: You wake up (perhaps from a minor head injury or a very deep sleep) and forget everything from the past 10 years. In your world, it’s 2004: George W. has won a second term; Martha Stewart has been convicted; Apple just introduced the iPod Mini; and you cried your head off at The…
5 Ways to Power Down a Busy Mind
Originally published on You know you should sleep more, walk more and turn off your phone (that’s not happening). Here are a few surprising ways to quiet your brain at different times of day—without going off the grid. Take on a more demanding task In a 2007 study published in the Association for Psychological…
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