Working Harder Won’t Help: Four Ways to Turn Obstacles Into Breakthroughs
Sometimes when you’re feeling stuck, the obstacle is really an illusion. Don’t work harder. What you need is to create a change in perception, a breakthrough—which has less to do with how hard you try and more to do with how ready you are for one.
How to Make Your Mark Without Being Best, First, or Fearless
Someone out there is waiting to hear what you have to say. It’s okay if it’s been done before, or you’re not the top expert. Your voice is unique and your work matters.
Is It Self-Knowledge…Or Self-Sabotage? 4 Ways to Break Free From a Fixed Mindset
Know Thyself. But remember, your intelligence, talent, and abilities aren’t fixed. Here’s how to break free of a fixed mindset and adopt a growth mindset.
4 Reasons You’re Not “Fine”: The dangers of making do, instead of making a fuss
Were you taught not to make a fuss? Don’t complain? Here’s how “making do” robs your life of connection, depth, and personal growth – and what to do about it..
Procrastinate More — and 6 Other Counterintuitive Productivity Habits
Wondering how to stop procrastinating and be more productive? Here’s why being more efficient may not be the solution.
Mood-Proof Your Work: Don’t Let Lack of Motivation Keep You From Getting Started
Wondering how to get motivated enough to pursue your goals and dreams? Find out how to take action and create momentum regardless of how you feel right now.
You Don’t Need Passion to Find Purpose
Feeling rudderless or clueless? Here are three ways to feel purposeful again – even if you don’t know where you’re going and have no idea what to do next.
3 Small Beliefs Stifling Your Success
Stop blaming yourself. Put down that productivity book. Your biggest obstacles are little ‘harmless’ beliefs. Here’s how to find, and shake them off – for good.
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