Want People to Read Your Website? Write It Like A Love Letter
I recently had the privilege of working with one of the top financial advisors in the country. She wanted to rebrand her firm, and with good reason: It didn’t reflect who she really is, and what she and her team really stand for. Common problem. And who could blame her? She’s a little too busy…
Why You Should Stop Trying to Inspire People
I work with people of all backgrounds and businesses who have something to say and are dying to say it. They want to do media and launch podcasts, give talks and write books. They want to “put themselves out there.” If there were two words that literally every person says to me, it’s that they…
3 Life Lessons You Can Learn from Being on TV
If you’re smart, you’ll learn something new from every job. And given that you’ll switch, not just jobs, but careers several times over your life, your unique advantage comes from the wisdom you pick up along the way. If you worked in customer service, you’ll know how to handle clients when you go into business…
5 Branding Rules That Won't Steer You Wrong
There are lots of people out there with lots of opinions about what a brand is and should be. Ask a handful of them what the answer to better branding is, and you’ll hear basically the same advice: “Stand out!” That’s like a swimming instructor telling you to stay afloat; it doesn’t help you if…
How to Prepare Your Talk Without Starting from Scratch
You have a big talk coming up. So you say to yourself, I’m going to sit down right now and write it. You type one sentence: “Good afternoon.” You delete it. You wonder if you’re a fraud. You wonder why you’re doing this. You wonder what to have for dinner. Then: Oh would you look…
4 Ways to Get Laughs on Stage (even if you’re not that funny)
Of all the people you’ve seen get up in front of a room to speak, how many do you really remember? Very few. And chances are the ones who made an impact probably made you laugh, too. Solid content gets a nod. But funny gets rave reviews. Funny gets asked to speak again. And again. Here’s…
Do you think for a living?
If you spend most of your time at a keyboard, you can count yourself among the 60 million or so professionals known as “knowledge workers”—a term Peter Drucker coined in the 1960s to describe academics, tech people, analysts, essentially, anyone who didn’t work a physically demanding job. You know. People who “think” for a living. What a…
How Knowing Too Much Is Holding You Back
My family is big into board games. At around 8:30pm on any given holiday or a night when at least two people are holding beers, my brother in law rubs his hands together and asks, “Who’s up for a game?” Taboo is one of our all-time favorites. The goal of this game is to get…
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