How to Know You're a Christmas Masochist
You’re not a masochist, and yet, this time of year, you could possibly pass for one. Look at your calendar! Your to-do list! You take on more than you could possibly do, and aspire to even more. You raise your standards, your expectations, and your stress levels—all in the name of good cheer and a…
3 Ways the Law of Attraction is Fucking With Your Head
Your thoughts are powerful things—they influence your behavior, your mood, your decisions. They determine what risks you take and which ones you don’t. But there’s one thing your thoughts cannot do: Manifest a perfect partner out of thin air. Intellectually, you know this. But a smaller part than you care to admit remains under the…
Failure Is Brutal Even When It's Small. So, Play Big.
I suffered dual blows recently: a minor physical injury, and major blow to my self esteem. And for a while, I wasn’t sure which was worse. I pulled a tendon in my foot. Sure, it hurt like a railroad spike to the sole for a few days. I hobbled and mooned about, feeling sorry for…
Why I'm Afraid I'll Ruin Christmas
Why? Because I’ve ruined a few. And not just Christmas–pick any holiday, really. It happens the same way every time: I drive up with the best of intentions, sipping coffee on the Merritt Parkway, indulging in caffeinated visions of familial joy. I think, “I’m going to be really nice this time. And fun. And if…
Why We're Lousy At Packing Light
I’m packing for a big trip and doing what I always do when I pack: Reinvent the wheel. I start from scratch and build my life from the ground up, starting with the very base needs (underwear, bra, deodorant, shoes) to the very specific and often imagined ones (how can I be on a beach…
Don't Marry Yourself. Period.
There once was a woman from Fargo who married herself. It’s true. She’s not the only one, either. But let’s stick with Nadine, who was featured on the Anderson Cooper show a while back. She did what she thinks was a cute, quirky thing that I’m sure she knew would get a lot of attention,…
Indulge in Some Mommy Porn: Fifty Shades of Grey
No, I’m not kidding. Why not? Reading some juicy bits may be the best decision you make all day. In fact, I’m sure of it. Not only is the sexy series by British mum E.L. James on fire, it’s just plain fun. It’ll get all pistons firing in the biggest sexual organ of all: Your…
What the Today Show Missed (and I Love) About Living Alone
So, not too long ago (a few weeks?), I was featured on the Today show for a piece on the joys of living alone. I’ve been living that way for about a decade, and loving it–and I’m certainly not alone in that respect. One of the experts showcased for this segment was sociologist Eric Klinenberg, who…
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