When's the last time someone REALLY listened to you?
When’s the last time someone listened to you. I mean, really listened. Like, you could tell they were right there with you. It’s rare, to have someone’s attention like that. Even right now, I only have a share of your attention. And I’m holding on to it for dear life. Why? Because someone’s talking over your shoulder, your texts are…
3 Things that Keep Good Speakers from Being Great
If you’re a speaker, or would like to be, chances are you watch other speakers with a very keen eye. Maybe you scrutinize the bio. Watch the way they carry themselves on stage. Maybe you judge them based on how relatable they are, or how useful their content is. And if we’re being honest, you…
3 Questions to Ask Before You Do Your Next Talk
There’s nothing like getting tapped to speak at an event or conference—it’s not only nice to be asked, but it speaks volumes about what people think of you: That you have something of value to share with their community, and they want it. That said, there are three questions I ask myself before I accept,…
4 Ways to Get Laughs on Stage (even if you’re not that funny)
Of all the people you’ve seen get up in front of a room to speak, how many do you really remember? Very few. And chances are the ones who made an impact probably made you laugh, too. Solid content gets a nod. But funny gets rave reviews. Funny gets asked to speak again. And again. Here’s…
The #1 Way to Get Clear on Your Messaging
Say what you will about holidays (Hallmark and otherwise)—they give us an occasion for doing a thing (exchanging gifts, drinking green beer, singing, etc). If you want something done, you don’t have to wait for a holiday, but you do have to give yourself the occasion for doing it. Things like: Writing a book. Launching a…
Why Questions Are a Crutch (So Stop Asking Them)
I teach people how to speak in the media, on stage, and to each other with power and conviction. And there’s one crutch in particular I train people right out of: Asking questions. Want to make a stronger impression? Make a statement. Ideally, one that could be argued or flat-out disagreed with. That’s when you know…
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Get your ideas out of your head
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