Are you a good writer?
Would you say you’re a good writer? Or a bad one? This was the question Entrepreneur’s editor in chief Jason Feifer, host of the Build for Tomorrow podcast, posted on LinkedIn recently. OK, I’ll bite, I thought. I selected “good.” Here were the poll results: Wow — More than half thought they were good, and…
When I was an MLM'er
My brilliant, sweet friend Jenny Blake, founder of Pivot, had me on her podcast for the launch of Unfollow Your Passion. And her first question? “Tell us about the MLM days.” Ah, yes. For a few years in the early aughts, I was a multi-level marketing member, someone who sold jewelry for a now-defunct company…
One way to get your work seen (not sure I recommend)
The Washington Post reported a charming tale of an 8-year-old kid named Dillon who wrote and illustrated his own book, then snuck it into the stacks of his local library in Boise. Dillon later admitted that what he did was “naughty-ish.” But the covert act of analog sharing not only won over the librarians, they…
Never met a platitude I didn't loathe
It’s true. Doesn’t matter if it’s true. Hate them. “Just be yourself,” and “Do what you love and you’ll never work again,” and “Life begins where your comfort zone ends.” Cliches are like hit songs without a good hook. It’s like just hearing them triggers a muscle in the back of my eyes, causing them to roll…
I used to loathe book clubs (not this one)
You’d think I’d like book clubs. I mean, I like to read. I like small group discussions. But in the experiences I had with them (which were admittedly a long time ago), it got under my skin. I usually found myself in a roomful of people who were less interested in conversation and more interested…
What being laid off taught me
I made my Canada TV debut this week! During the interview, the hosts of The Morning Show asked me what getting laid off taught me about following my passion. In a word? Nothing. That advice wasn’t helpful then, or really at any other time. First and foremost when you leave a job (or it leaves…
Does it sound like me?
The best compliment you can get when someone reads your work is that it “sounds” like you. Why? Because it means you’ve channeled not just your ideas but your personality, your likeness, onto the page. That you’re literally true to your word. Doesn’t mean it’s easy, but it’s worth it. So I felt pretty great…
You need a little chutzpah
I could craft an entire scrapbook JUST from things I’ve learned and things I love about my friend Ilise Benun. One of the things she taught me to see different was…my own value, and why that was different from what I was “worth.” Because, of course, no one can tell you what you’re “worth.” They…
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